Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The previously unaddressed

As we wind this project down I apologize for not being able to get around to everybody.  Here are some important afterthoughts.

#1 David

Maria's original boyfriend that was ultimately supplanted by Luis, but the two of them seemingly remained friends, at least for awhile.  He originally was studying to be a lawyer, but wound up inheriting ownership of Mr. Hooper's Store instead.  David eventually had to leave town to go live on a farm, because that's where everybody goes when they leave town.

I wonder what the breakup was like?

Maria: I thought you were going to be a lawyer!

David: I was, but making ice cream sodas at the Store has become my PASSION.

Maria: Well I don't like this at ALL.

David: I don't need a law degree, I'm providing candy and soda!  What's more important?  I mean ask yourself, which is REALLY more important?

Maria: Well good luck to you, I guess.  I hope we can still be friends.

David: We can.  We can ALWAYS be friends.

Maria: I'd like that.

David: Me too.  That'll be 75 cents for the soda, by the way.

Oscar the Grouch: Heh heh heh.

#2 Olivia

Gordon's younger sister who was somewhat unrealistically full-time employed as a photographer.  I guess ballerina would have been too ridiculous.  Olivia was not known for much else besides liking to sing.  Most other residents of the Street liked to sing, too.  I guess it was like how they also all liked to count, but "The Count" REALLY liked to count.  Anyway, she lived there for 12 years and never did much.

Click to view... It Feels Good When You Sing a Song

#3 Two-Headed Monster

I gotta say that other than the Little Red Menace himself (you know who I mean), the right half of the Two-Headed Monster (our right, their left) may very well be the Street's most annoying resident ever.  and he has someone else physically ATTACHED to him.  Imagine THAT guy's annoyance threshold.


#4 Willy the Hot Dog Guy

Not too many people remember Willy, but he pushed a hot dog cart up and down Sesame Street for years.  I don't recall too many people eating the hot dogs.

David: Hey Maria, how about lunch?

Maria: Oh that would be wonderful!

David: I just saw Willy at the corner with his hot dog cart.

Maria: ...oh.

David: You have money, right?

Click to view... Remembering.

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