Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Eve on Sesame Street

The weirdest thing was that Bert procrastinated.  He ain't usually like that.

Click to view... (I could not find the Christmas clip itself, but this is still really good.)

Bert seems like a person that would have all of Ernie's rubber ducks in a row.  I mean what, THOSE two couldn't think of Christmas presents for each other?

Next question, are birds able to freeze to death?  I guess nobody really knows, including "him."


The best part of this was obviously the children.  They are both beloved and hilarious.

Click to view... "and THERE you have it."

So what else?  OH YEAH!  Why was Bob not at all surprised to find his home full of people when it was not any official kind of surprise party? Had he just learned to return to his house every day and not care who was hanging out?

Click to view... all through the year.

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