Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sundays on the Street

Sundays have a very distinctive feel, to humans and puppets alike.  Did anybody on Sesame Street go to CHURCH?  If so, what denomination?  Forgetful Jones would make a really bad Catholic.  "What sins did you commit lately?"  "I don't know, I FORGOT!"

(Would a priest buy that?)

Who on the Street is the biggest sports fan?  It's difficult to picture Bob inviting David over to watch "the big game."  Would they drink beers together?  Even ONE?  I always imagined Sesame parties featuring non-alcoholic "punch."  You would need a lot of people to finish off a whole bowl of "punch," though.  Not just two.

What did everybody do on a Sunday?  The characters on the Street tended to function as one really big, happy family.  Could they all have a nice big Sunday family dinner together, or would it just be too many people to fit inside Gordon and Susan's apartment?

(Cause you know it would be the two of them hosting it.)

Otherwise, what?  Big pot luck at Big Bird's place?  He at least had a lot of space.  What would people bring?  Cookie Monster would bring nothing, obviously.  He wouldn't have the willpower to get out of the house without eating his own dish all by himself.  Maria would bring taco dip.  Amazing Mumford would bring peanut butter sandwiches.  Oscar the Grouch would bring something horrific that no one else would want to LOOK at, much less consume.

Back to church, IS there one anywhere NEAR Sesame Street?  If so, I wonder where it's located.  and also who goes.  and also what they pray about.  Telly was always kind of a massive worrier.

If they do go to church, I bet there's lots of singing.

Click to view... Sing.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Don't tug on Super Grover's cape

He might fall down.

Super Grover is of course Sesame Street's resident superhero.  Grover has always had a lot of "day jobs" (waiter, elevator operator, etc.), but like a lot of people that work paycheck to paycheck, he wants more in life.  He wants to make a difference.

Click to view... Onto our story.

So of course what always happens is that the little kids Super Grover is trying to help wind up figuring things out for themselves, and Super Grover just kind of gets in the way.  He is inept as a superhero, just like at his other jobs.  Thing is, in spite of his shortcomings, he actually DOES possess some minimal superhero powers!  For example, Super Grover can FLY.

He can't fly very WELL, but still.  How did he learn to do that?  Even Big Bird can't fly.  Super Grover also has some degree of "super strength."  He can carry a phone booth!  It's not at all easy for him, he clearly struggles, but he still can DO it.  Carrying a phone booth is no small feat.

So I gotta ask, does regular Grover have these powers too?  Does he need to be actively wearing the cape or the helmet or something in order to use them?  If so, why not just wear them all the time?  Imagine Super Grover being strong enough to beat Herry Monster at arm wrestling, just barely.  Imagine him talking to Big Bird and then saying "Well okay Birdie, I gotta go!" and then he takes off and flies away.  Big Bird would be left standing there, all envious.

Most superheroes adopt the "secret identity" system to hide from some sort of arch-nemesis.  Super Grover did not have one of those.  Regular Grover did.

a super-villain version of Fat Blue Johnson would be the perfect foil for Super Grover.  "Fat Bluthor" or something like that.  What would his goal be, though?  Super Grover never actually helps anybody, so there would be nothing for Fat Bluthor to stop him from doing.  Maybe he could just keep showing up at the scene to taunt Super Grover for the sake of revenge.  "Ha!  You didn't help those kids at ALL!  Now take off that costume and get me a sandwich."

Or else just steal Super Grover's helmet and run away.

Click to view... Super Grover and an exit.

Friday, October 11, 2013


The human characters on Sesame Street have always been strong and stable.  They serve as a nice surrogate family for any young (or old!) viewer watching at home.  Gordon and Susan are the wise and dependable parents.  Bob is everybody's favorite uncle.  Mr. Hooper is your grandpa.  Luis is the neighbor you can count on to fix your bike.

and who doesn't like the idea of having a cool big sister?  That's why we were given Maria.

Maria is smart, caring, and a good listener.  She would help you figure out your math homework as quickly as she would defend you from the bullying of Oscar the Grouch.  The toughest, AND prettiest, girl on the Street.  Who could possibly not love her?  Needless to say, Sesame's cool big sister did not remain single for very long.

The first boyfriend was David.  Not sure how serious their relationship ever got.  They were very young, and also living on Sesame Street.  You don't get too much intimacy on Sesame Street.  Gordon and Susan were probably the only residents that had a door with a functional lock.  Everybody else just barged into whatever place they felt like at any time and started wandering around.  How did Big Bird sleep at night with no protection other than that huge, loose-swinging door?  No privacy at all.  How could the Twiddlebugs take showers with a super-gigantic Ernie able to loom above their home at will?

Click to view... Monster in the middle.

David eventually had to go, and then as most people know Maria ended up dating and eventually MARRYING Luis.  She had been an apprentice at his Fix-It Shop for years, even while dating David, who spent most of HIS work-time sweeping up at Hooper's Store.  I'm guessing that David was never too cool with that whole picture.  Sweeping up the store all mad at night, muttering to himself, "Yeah you sure fixed it, Luis.  You REALLY fixed it..."

Click to view... Third wheel.

Tough to understand why a woman loves a man.  Even tougher to understand why Maria would dress up as Charlie Chaplin sometimes.  Do most little kids even know who Charlie Chaplin IS?  If not, that isn't a tribute, it's stealing.  Isn't it?

Well ISN'T it?

Click to view... "CALM DOWN"

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Barkley is never on a leash

He just roams around free all over the Sesame neighborhood.  and I guess that's mostly fine, he's very friendly.  But what if someone on the Street IS afraid of dogs?  Secretly terrified that this huge dog is running around loose all the time, but doesn't want to ruin it for everybody else?

Click to view... Barkley's dream.

Does Oscar like dogs?  Doesn't seem like he would, that guy hates just about everything.  a lot of times dogs will bark at someone that they can't sniff.  Oscar sits way up in his garbage can, Barkley can't get to him.  So what would a typical exchange between the two be like?

Barkley: WOOF!

Oscar: Get outta here, ya fleabag!

*Barkley jumps up and hits Oscar's can with his paws*

Oscar: SCRAM!

Barkley's only chance to nab him would be one of those times where Oscar would come down from his perch and walk around with the can still around him and his feet sticking out the bottom.  Oscar would have to be really careful in that situation.  Imagine him poking his head out of the can to peek around corners and such.


If the dog DID happen to come around, no way was Oscar outrunning him.  Maybe that's why he hired Bruno.

Who owns Barkley?  Linda does.

She needed some companionship (Bob would not move in) and got some in the form of what would eventually become the Street's communal pet, of sorts.  But at nighttime Barkley sleeps at Linda's place.  I bet he is a bed hog.  and I guess it's good that Barkley isn't one of those dogs that bothers the whole neighborhood by making noise all the time.  Cause if he was, how would she know?

It was a rare instance, but Oscar actually did used to walk around without his can sometimes.  He seemed so naked, in retrospect.  It doesn't really make sense to feel that way because the monsters and animals didn't wear clothes either.  Yet there's just something so unsettling about a naked Grouch.

Click to view... a visit from naked Oscar.