Sunday, October 20, 2013

Don't tug on Super Grover's cape

He might fall down.

Super Grover is of course Sesame Street's resident superhero.  Grover has always had a lot of "day jobs" (waiter, elevator operator, etc.), but like a lot of people that work paycheck to paycheck, he wants more in life.  He wants to make a difference.

Click to view... Onto our story.

So of course what always happens is that the little kids Super Grover is trying to help wind up figuring things out for themselves, and Super Grover just kind of gets in the way.  He is inept as a superhero, just like at his other jobs.  Thing is, in spite of his shortcomings, he actually DOES possess some minimal superhero powers!  For example, Super Grover can FLY.

He can't fly very WELL, but still.  How did he learn to do that?  Even Big Bird can't fly.  Super Grover also has some degree of "super strength."  He can carry a phone booth!  It's not at all easy for him, he clearly struggles, but he still can DO it.  Carrying a phone booth is no small feat.

So I gotta ask, does regular Grover have these powers too?  Does he need to be actively wearing the cape or the helmet or something in order to use them?  If so, why not just wear them all the time?  Imagine Super Grover being strong enough to beat Herry Monster at arm wrestling, just barely.  Imagine him talking to Big Bird and then saying "Well okay Birdie, I gotta go!" and then he takes off and flies away.  Big Bird would be left standing there, all envious.

Most superheroes adopt the "secret identity" system to hide from some sort of arch-nemesis.  Super Grover did not have one of those.  Regular Grover did.

a super-villain version of Fat Blue Johnson would be the perfect foil for Super Grover.  "Fat Bluthor" or something like that.  What would his goal be, though?  Super Grover never actually helps anybody, so there would be nothing for Fat Bluthor to stop him from doing.  Maybe he could just keep showing up at the scene to taunt Super Grover for the sake of revenge.  "Ha!  You didn't help those kids at ALL!  Now take off that costume and get me a sandwich."

Or else just steal Super Grover's helmet and run away.

Click to view... Super Grover and an exit.

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