Saturday, August 24, 2013

Guy Smiley and his identical twin brother

Lately we have been discussing celebrity guests that have made appearances on Sesame Street.  For whatever reason, probably egotistical, none of them ever interacted with the Street's RESIDENT celebrity, Guy Smiley.

Like Bill Cosby was too good for him or something.  Who WERE Guy Smiley's friends and confidants?  I imagine he hung with a fairly elite crowd.  Hoots the Owl, maybe?

They could talk about the entertainment business in general.

Guy: Hey, Hoots.

Hoots: Sup?

Guy: How's business?

Hoots: Oh well you know, another day another dollar.

Guy: Do you ever actually watch my game shows?

Hoots: Hoot.

Guy: What?

Hoots: Hoot.

Guy: Why do you keep saying "Hoot?"

Hoots: It's what I say when I want to get around an awkward question.  Plus I'm STILL an owl, man.

But yeah, Guy Smiley is mostly famous for hosting Sesame Street game shows, such as this:

Click to view... Ice cream, cheese, butter, and two cows.

I would like to be informed of Guy Smiley's background and personal life.  How did he start out?  Coffee boy for Kermit Frog?  "Yes boss, right away!"  Does he make the same mistakes other celebrities make?  Is he DIVORCED?  Are there Guy Smiley baby mamas scattered all over the place?

Besides all that, there is the matter of his twin brother, who is also PRINCE CHARMING.

I understand that a lot of the puppets had to be re-used as additional characters, but in this strange case, they didn't even try to hide it.  Prince Charming is just Guy Smiley acting like some completely split personality of himself, who also happens to be a pretty big JERK.

Click to view... "He's right there!"

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