Friday, July 12, 2013

Sesame Disco

As the popularity of Sesame Street was growing, the popularity of disco music was falling.  Yet it was inevitable that the two would somehow collide.

Disco was infused everywhere during the 1970s.  Including into children's music.  Problem was that it wasn't always educational.

Click to view... Grover's nightlife.

So, it does stand to reason that most of the Sesame Street characters would be taken with disco culture as well. It did seem to go kind of overboard though, at least in the strictest sense.  I mean look at this...

Click to view... Wow, disco was EVERYWHERE.

I really have a hard time imagining the puppets themselves piling onto a bus in disco suits to be escorted to a night of inebriated escapism.  With them, it mostly seemed to be about dancing itself.  Dancing is fun and free.  It also begins with the letter "D", same as disco.

It is a bit funny that the human characters were never seen dancing to disco music.  No Bob, no Susan, no Luis.  Always just the puppets.


I sorta wonder if they would have been presumed to be on drugs.  If so, why were the puppets not protected in the same way?  It's curious.

All of the puppets boogied on, and nobody got hurt as far as I know.

Click to view... Disco Frog

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