Thursday, March 28, 2013

Battle of the Bands!

Quick and funny blog entry this week.  What's the best musical group in the history of Sesame Street?

First up we have Little Chrissy.

This guy was quite the maniac.  Good voice, though.  Great at playing the piano.  Look at how into it he gets.

Click to view... You're Alive.

Conversely, there's Little Jerry and the Monotones.

(Why is everybody "Little?")  Little Jerry succeeds in connecting with the audience through his voice, he doesn't actively play an instrument.  Find me one person that doesn't love the Telephone Rock song.

Click to view... The Telephone Rock.

and then of course there's the "Beetles."

We all know what they were meant to be based on.  Very clever.  How could you NOT get into this:

Click to view... Letter B.

("hour of darkness?"  really?)

This music was great and I do not understand why it did not transcend beyond educational television.  All of these songs are better than most of the things you hear on the radio, including jazz.

*AMAZING BONUS* Click to view... Fat Cat Sat Hat song.

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