Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sundays on the Street

Sundays have a very distinctive feel, to humans and puppets alike.  Did anybody on Sesame Street go to CHURCH?  If so, what denomination?  Forgetful Jones would make a really bad Catholic.  "What sins did you commit lately?"  "I don't know, I FORGOT!"

(Would a priest buy that?)

Who on the Street is the biggest sports fan?  It's difficult to picture Bob inviting David over to watch "the big game."  Would they drink beers together?  Even ONE?  I always imagined Sesame parties featuring non-alcoholic "punch."  You would need a lot of people to finish off a whole bowl of "punch," though.  Not just two.

What did everybody do on a Sunday?  The characters on the Street tended to function as one really big, happy family.  Could they all have a nice big Sunday family dinner together, or would it just be too many people to fit inside Gordon and Susan's apartment?

(Cause you know it would be the two of them hosting it.)

Otherwise, what?  Big pot luck at Big Bird's place?  He at least had a lot of space.  What would people bring?  Cookie Monster would bring nothing, obviously.  He wouldn't have the willpower to get out of the house without eating his own dish all by himself.  Maria would bring taco dip.  Amazing Mumford would bring peanut butter sandwiches.  Oscar the Grouch would bring something horrific that no one else would want to LOOK at, much less consume.

Back to church, IS there one anywhere NEAR Sesame Street?  If so, I wonder where it's located.  and also who goes.  and also what they pray about.  Telly was always kind of a massive worrier.

If they do go to church, I bet there's lots of singing.

Click to view... Sing.

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