Sunday, October 6, 2013

Barkley is never on a leash

He just roams around free all over the Sesame neighborhood.  and I guess that's mostly fine, he's very friendly.  But what if someone on the Street IS afraid of dogs?  Secretly terrified that this huge dog is running around loose all the time, but doesn't want to ruin it for everybody else?

Click to view... Barkley's dream.

Does Oscar like dogs?  Doesn't seem like he would, that guy hates just about everything.  a lot of times dogs will bark at someone that they can't sniff.  Oscar sits way up in his garbage can, Barkley can't get to him.  So what would a typical exchange between the two be like?

Barkley: WOOF!

Oscar: Get outta here, ya fleabag!

*Barkley jumps up and hits Oscar's can with his paws*

Oscar: SCRAM!

Barkley's only chance to nab him would be one of those times where Oscar would come down from his perch and walk around with the can still around him and his feet sticking out the bottom.  Oscar would have to be really careful in that situation.  Imagine him poking his head out of the can to peek around corners and such.


If the dog DID happen to come around, no way was Oscar outrunning him.  Maybe that's why he hired Bruno.

Who owns Barkley?  Linda does.

She needed some companionship (Bob would not move in) and got some in the form of what would eventually become the Street's communal pet, of sorts.  But at nighttime Barkley sleeps at Linda's place.  I bet he is a bed hog.  and I guess it's good that Barkley isn't one of those dogs that bothers the whole neighborhood by making noise all the time.  Cause if he was, how would she know?

It was a rare instance, but Oscar actually did used to walk around without his can sometimes.  He seemed so naked, in retrospect.  It doesn't really make sense to feel that way because the monsters and animals didn't wear clothes either.  Yet there's just something so unsettling about a naked Grouch.

Click to view... a visit from naked Oscar.

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